Weekend Transformation sessions are at 11am.
Weekday sessions are at 9am & 6pm.
You must select AM or PM sessions and cohort upon sign up.
Please note, and accommodate for changes of day at some point during your schedule. The changes are in bold.
You MUST attend each session sequentially, as they build upon each other.
56 Hour employees contact the staff in advance to make scheduling arrangements.
Sa 1/13
M 15, W 17, F 19
M 22, W 24, F 26
M 29, W 31, F 2/2
F 2
M 5, W 7, F 9
T 13, Th 15, F 16
T 20, TH 22
Sa 2/24
Tu 27, Th 29 Sa 3/2
Sa 3/2
Tu 5, Th 7, Sa 9
Tu 12, Th 14, Sa 16
M 18, W 20, F 22
M 25, W 27, F 29
M 4/1, W 4/3
If you miss a session, you will be charged a $25 “no show” fee.
If you miss one of the first 8 sessions, you must hire a trainer to cover the missed session material with you for $75 per hour.
Availability is limited and demand is high for trainers.
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